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A Box of Catharsis

In Estate Planning, Income Planning, Investment Management, The Insider by Adam Cufr

Catharsis is defined as “a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension” (source: Merriam-Webster). In other words, make the bad stuff go away and begin feeling better. If there’s one thing a Happy New Year should include, it’s a nice catharsis.

I suppose we could remain in the abstract, but we’re experiencing a real catharsis of our own in the office. We’ve been having intermittent phone issues for quite some time, so we’re replacing the entire phone system with a sleek and modern update. This box is the old unneeded stuff that was removed in order to install the new system. If that’s not a box of catharsis, I don’t know what is. I feel better about life just knowing that stuff is leaving the building. Just look at that!

In the financial realm, we’ve helped catharsis occur when people retire. A lifetime of opening new accounts, accumulating a smattering of retirement plans, financial products, and investments results in a box of ‘money stuff’ that begs the questions: “What does all of this even mean? Do we have enough? Are we okay?” And until they have good answers to those questions, most people simply aren’t emotionally ready to retire whether or not they have enough money to do so. That messy box of stuff just doesn’t lend itself to sleep-filled nights.

I share all of this now because many people will look toward a new year as a time for fresh starts, cleaning house, and catharsis. For those people, we’d like to help. Whether it’s a colleague that wants to get organized financially to determine if retirement is possible in the next couple of years or maybe even you wishing to finally get your estate plan in order, please let us help you. We really do get excited to assist people in clearing out the clutter and replacing chaos with clarity.

Would you consider adding a friend to our Weekly Newsletter list, encouraging them to attend one of our upcoming retirement class events, or suggest they come in for a complimentary financial checkup? It could be the catharsis experience they (or you) need!

Finally, we’re watching the markets VERY closely. We’ll be fully prepared to discuss what we see at upcoming progress reviews that are being scheduled very soon. If you’d like to meet sooner than later, please reply to this email and we’ll get a conversation scheduled. Please don’t lose sleep over the markets without first reviewing your larger plan. 

All the best,

Adam Cufr, RICP®