In the 173 Weekly Newsletters I’ve written and shared with you, there have been only a few occasions where I’ve asked for anything from you. I prefer to give rather than receive, …
The Roth IRA Is Taking Your Medicine
Taxes, taxes, taxes. In the spirit of the Independence Day we just celebrated, it seems fitting to make a mention of taxes. After all, wasn’t that part of the deal …
What does the tax cut mean for the stock market?
Written by Stephen L. Hanley, Investment Strategist Evergreen Wealth Management Many people are wondering what the tax cut means for the US stock market. We thought it might be helpful to take …
‘Deduction Bunching’ – A Tax Strategy That Works And Makes You Sound Smart
With the passing of the new tax law, accountants have become the new rock stars. All eyes are on those with tax knowledge to sort it all out and show …
First Look Back, Then Ahead [Tax Changes]
This is it. The end of yet another year has arrived. Like every other year before it, 2017 appeared to pass by more quickly than the rest. I can only …
The Antidote To A Stressful Retirement
You may or may not be aware that I write a quasi-financial column for The Suburban Press called Beyond the Money. In it, I have the opportunity to share thoughts on …
Briefcase Study: Transition into Retirement
A number of couples that we work with recently found themselves working through a change in their life: the transition into retirement. When a long career ends, what steps might …
Is Estate Planning Only For Rich People
Last week I had the pleasure of teaching two classes at BGSU at Levis Commons called ‘Your Retirement And Taxes.’ In the classes, we sought to deepen our understanding of …
Healthcare May Be Broken, But Your Retirement Plan Doesn’t Need To Be
Live on less than you earn, pay less interest on debts than you receive on your assets, mind your taxes, and you’ll be fine. It sounds so simple, and it …
The Fiduciary Standard And You (And Us)
If you’ve been unable to disconnect from the political news scene, it’s likely that you’ve heard some talk about a ‘fiduciary standard of care’ being imposed on financial advisors by …