Our Services
To help you meet your retirement goals, we offer comprehensive retirement planning.
Let’s face it, retirement planning isn’t simple, so let’s not pretend it is. Because of this, we offer guidance and services in the following areas:
Long Term Care Funding
Prepare for future health care needs by knowing the strategies available to pay for care to ensure a successful retirement.
Social Security Claiming
Choose the timing for claiming Social Security Benefits that is most appropriate for your retirement needs.
Investment Management
Manage your investments to reach or exceed your financial and retirement goals.
Trust and Estate Planning
Plan for the protection of your assets during your life and efficient asset transfer to your heirs after death.
Retirement Income Planning
Learn how to convert your retirement nest egg into a reliable and consistent retirement income to last for life.
Tax Planning
Build smart tax strategies into your retirement plan to reduce unnecessary taxes owed to the IRS.
Pension Income Analysis
Consider the advantages and disadvantages of various pension options offered by your employer.
Portfolio Tax Minimization
Optimize your investment returns through effective portfolio tax minimization strategies.
For every complex problem,
there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.
- H.L Mencken
Disciplined Investing
Intelligent investing is a core component of our retirement planning process. Although the tools to build a great portfolio are increasingly available to consumers and professionals alike, most investors fail to properly utilize these resources. To simplify your life, you’ll find everything you need to plan – and execute – your successful strategy at Fourth Dimension Financial Group. We know our role is to help clients achieve their objectives through focus, planning, and discipline.
- Where you are today – your balance sheet
- Where you want to go – your retirement objectives
- How you are going to get there – your income needs and sources and your estate plan