
Others Who Need Our Help

In January 2014, Steward Articles by Adam Cufr

We’re pretty confident that we offer compelling solutions for a specific group of people (those nearing or in retirement). We are very serious about what we do and we think more people should be able to live with the confidence that you have in your retirement plan.

However, there is a problem. Not everyone knows what you know: there is a solution available. Would you consider helping them out?

We recently reviewed our client families and found that the vast majority of new relationships last year came directly from our existing clients. Often invited to one of our events, new families were much more inclined to work with someone their friend enjoyed working with than someone discovered through an ad or other marketing message. Would you be willing to spread the word to make more helpful relationships possible?

If someone is within a few years of retirement (either before or after) and believes there may be something not quite right in their retirement planning, we would be honored to simply meet them and help them gain confidence in their direction. Either have them call or email our office, or consider inviting them to one of our future events. A simple introduction by you has the potential to be a very valuable connection, both for us and for them! And you’ll have another friend to socialize with when we all get together! Thanks for your consideration.