Speaking of Milestones

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Back in August, I wrote about celebrating milestones (read it here). I questioned whether it’s important to celebrate milestones at all. Well, I hope you don’t mind me focusing your attention on a milestone today that means a tremendous amount to my family, to me, and to you. For without this occasion to celebrate, there’d be no Weekly to read at all, and can you even imagine such a dark and barren world? See, today is the big one. Today is my parents’ 50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!

My parents, Dave and Eileen Cufr, are the people responsible for starting all of this and I couldn’t be more proud of them. My two brothers and I have so much to be thankful for when we consider the blessed childhood we had. My Mom was an amazing nurturer and sometimes referee of brotherly battles, and my Dad was the guy who came to each and every sporting event I ever had. He was behind the backstop reminding me to “keep your eye on the glove, son” when I was pitching and Mom was ready and willing to wipe away the tears when we lost a game because of a stupid error I may have made.

A milestone like 50 years together is simply too big for me to grasp considering how many kids I have and the sheer number is life experiences yet to come for our family. To choose to stay together as a couple when life throws you so many curveballs is not only a testament to my parents’ love, strength, and resilience, but it’s also a model for me and for many others to emulate. Sure, some marriages don’t work out and I’m not judging those. I am, however, able to say that a 50-year run together deserves to be admired and applauded. It’s just an amazing thing to witness that level of commitment between two people.

So please allow me to formally and publicly thank my Mom and Dad for sacrificing so much for the benefit of others. If you know them, you know the kind of people they are. If you don’t know them, I hope you’ll have an opportunity to meet them someday. They’re still together after 50 years and that’s definitely worthy of celebrating. So here’s to you, Dave and Eileen, well done and congratulations!

All the best,

Adam Cufr, RICP®