This Valuable Toolkit

will help ensure your retirement is on the right course.

Meet Adam Cufr, RICP®. He is a founding principal of Fourth Dimension Financial Group, LLC, and is an author, a sought-after media commentator and thought leader. Adam is author of Off the Record – Secrets to Building a Successful Retirement and a Lasting Legacy.

Your Retirement Success Toolkit includes:

  • Off The Record

    Secrets to Building a Successful Retirement and a Lasting Legacy by Adam Cufr

  • Special Report

    The 5 Biggest Myths That Threaten Retirees Financial Security

  • Retirement Elevated Certificate

    Comprehensive retirement education session

  • Four Dimension Review Certificate

    Review the critical components of your retirement planning


In this book, you will learn some things that may surprise you.


They do not get the full market performance. Do you?

Although the S&P gained over 8 percent per year in the last twenty years, the actual performance was 4.25 percent over that period for those who invested all in equities, and 2.29 percent for stock and bond investors.

How will such a tough blow, early on, change the course of your retirement?

Even if you believe that withdrawing 4 percent is a safe bet, what if you retire in a year such as 2007 and see your portfolio immediately plummet for a year or two? If you are spending money from that account but no longer are contributing to it, what happens to your retirement security?

Do you believe the U.S. will remain an economic superpower, or do you see a world economy growing that soon could level the playing field?

For years, many advisors have trumpeted that you can safely withdraw 4 or 4.5 percent from your portfolio annually in retirement without much risk. That’s based on the historical return for the United States. Other nations have had significantly lower rates.

How much are high fees sapping your nest egg?

Are mutual funds really a good place to invest for retirement, as many people believe? Are there ways to invest that will allow you to keep more while taking the same risk – or to keep the same while significantly lowering your risk?

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