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What’s the Deal With Bitcoin?

I’m not going to suggest that being unaware of Bitcoin’s recent craze points to one’s under-rock living situation…but it’s close. The digital cryptocurrency’s meteoric rise in ‘value’ has lead many …

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In Others’ Words…

How about a change of pace? It turns out that just about everyone has something to say about money. This week I bring you not my own words, but those …

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Back To The Basics

It has been brought to our attention that a return to the basics of financial and retirement planning would be helpful. Back to the Basics is a study of the …

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The Beauty of Investing

Inspired by Warren Buffet’s ‘Crazy Farmer Analogy’ Written by Stephen L. Hanley, Investment Strategist Evergreen Wealth Management   I am constantly amazed at the vast array of opinions and approaches to investing. …

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Steve’s Quarterly Market Update

At the conclusion of each quarter, Steve summarizes the ins-and-outs of the markets and economy that matter to long-term investors. Here’s a short excerpt: Q3 Market Update Third quarter continued …